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Knockbox - Barista och Espresso


Keep your coffee station clean and organized with our knock boxes, available in different price ranges and varieties to suit all needs and budgets. Our knock boxes offer easy and hygienic disposal of used coffee grounds, making them an indispensable tool for every home barista.

Our range includes knock boxes from reputable brands such as Motta, Rocket Espresso, Coffee Knock Drawer Company, Eureka, Tiamo and Rhino. These knock boxes are made of robust materials that ensure durability and long-lasting use. pick one knockbox which suits your style and brewing routine. Visit our product pages to find the perfect knockbox for your needs.

  • - 5%

Knockbox Motta 105 mm

  • - 5%

Knockbox Motta 105 mm

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Knockbox Rocket Stainless

Knockbox Rocket Stainless

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  • - 4%

Tiamo Knockbox black

  • - 4%

Tiamo Knockbox black

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  • - 5%

Knockbox Motta 165 mm

  • - 5%

Knockbox Motta 165 mm

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Knockbox Eureka

Knockbox Eureka

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Swamp Load Deluxe Stainless Steel

Swamp Load Deluxe Stainless Steel

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Knockbox black

Knockbox black

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Knockbox golvrör

Knockbox golvrör

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Grounds Control 280 mm Knockbox

Grounds Control 280 mm Knockbox

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  • - 15%

Knockbox lock SS

  • - 15%

Knockbox lock SS

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  • - 15%

Knockbox black lock

  • - 15%

Knockbox black lock

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Knockbox square

Knockbox square

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Knockbox wood Ascaso

Knockbox wood Ascaso

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Grounds Control 160 mm Knockbox

Grounds Control 160 mm Knockbox

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Grounds Control 200 mm Knockbox

Grounds Control 200 mm Knockbox

} }

Grounds Cub 200 mm Knockbox

Grounds Cub 200 mm Knockbox


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