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Sage Barista Express vs. Barista Pro - Barista och Espresso

Sage Barista Express vs. Barista Pro

There is a high probability that you know aboutSage Barista Express which is one of the most popular models by far Sage. This legendary espresso machine is often the first espresso machine for many precisely with its simple retro design, built-in grinder and beginner-friendly that teaches you the basics of espresso brewing. The espresso machine allows you to use non-pressurized cups, i.e. single-walled cups, which is the professional way to brew espresso in cafes. 2019 introduced Sage a new model calledSage Barista Pro. The model is very similar to the previous modelBarista Express but has more features and improved internal components. It can be difficult to see the differences between them and thus in this article we highlight the pros and cons and differences to help you with your espresso machine purchase or if you are looking for an upgrade.

External design and its functions

First, the basics: both models have a built-in grinder to get freshly ground coffee before brewing. The grinder is the same for both models thoughBarista Pro, you can set the grinder to 30 different grinding degrees whileBarista The Express only offers 18 steps which means the Pro has a finer adjustability. The Pro also has an updated design with a more modern look, but the dimensions do not differ much between the two models. Both models have a hot water outlet for those who want to drink tea or Americano. However onBarista Pro is the hot water outlet located right there espresso comes out and thus you don't have to move the cup when you want to make an Americano, which is a plus for the Pro.

The main difference between them is digital vs analog display. Express has four buttons and a pressure gauge. In contrast, the Pro has an LCD display with a scroll wheel with smaller buttons. Some prefer the analog pressure gauge that the Express offers but we don't think the pressure gauge is the ultimate way to tell if you're brewing well or not. Rather, by looking at the construction time, you can draw the conclusion whether you have ground too coarsely or too finely and thus adjust the brewing better. In our opinion, the digital display from the Pro gives a better overview and control over the brewing.

Internals and performance

It is perhaps the appearance that most clearly shows the differences between them but in fact the internal components and its performance are the biggest difference and in our opinion the difference that determines which one you choose.

Barista Express has a Thermocoil heating system. Where the water is forced through a heated coil to achieve a brewing temperature of between 90 and 96 degrees. This takes about 45 to 60 seconds from when you start the machine until it reaches its brewing temperature.Barista The Pro on the other hand has a newer Thermojet heating system that gets its brew temperature up within 3 seconds. This give Barista Pro many advantages such as stronger and more efficient milk frothing, you don't have to wait between brewing but can brew cup after cup quickly and efficiently. You don't have to wait when you switch from brewing to milk frothing, unlike Express where you need to wait for the machine to build up its steam pressure.


Both machines are a great machine to introduce you to espresso brewing. This is precisely why both Pro and Express are sold side by side rather than a replacement for the Express. Which machine you should buy depends entirely on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a machine that is efficient and can quickly brew your espresso and milk drinks with a more modern look are Sage Barista Pro the perfect option. If you are looking for an espresso machine with a classic retro design with an analog pressure gauge, the Express is the perfect machine for you. If you already had one Sage Barista Express and feel you want to upgrade, Pro is a good choice.


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