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Hur man väljer en espressomaskin för hemmet - Barista och Espresso

How to choose an espresso machine for the home

If you want to learn more about coffee, you're probably thinking about getting an espresso machine for the home. But it can be confusing because there are so many options and they vary so much in price. Here you'll find all the information you need to make an informed decision about buying an espresso machine for home use, including our tips on the best models available.

What characterizes a quality espresso machine for home use?

Here are the most important features to consider when buying an espresso machine for home use given the wide range of features.

The size of the portafilter

The size of the portafilter is an important factor to consider. The standard 58mm size makes it much easier to get accessories like dispensing tools and tampers and to update the portafilter with a bottomless one or even one that has a wooden handle and its basket.

Double boiler espresso machines

You don't have to wait for the espresso machine to catch up when you brew espresso and froths milk at the same time if you choose an espresso machine with a double boiler. Single boiler machines use the steam wand and group head in the same boiler, so if you are steaming milk you will need to wait for the machine to regain pressure before brewing espresso. In a dual boiler machine, however, both the steam stick and group head have their own boilers and operate separately, improving workflow and ensuring more reliable drinks. The only downside is that dual boiler machines are often more expensive.

Possibility of direct connection

Would it have been easier to never have to refill the espresso machine with water? Then an espresso machine with the option to connect directly to the water is the obvious choice for you! Most machines have a water tank, but not all can be connected to a water line. This is especially useful if you frequently entertain guests or drink a lot espresso. Just keep in mind that you may want to hire someone to install it for you if you don't have a modicum of plumbing experience.

PID and digital temperature control

Espresso machines with PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative Controllers) and digital temperature control keep the water at a constant temperature instead of letting it fluctuate above and below a certain temperature. The ideal water temperature is between 90 and 96 degrees, but it's much better if you have the flexibility to change it to suit your taste and the particular coffees you use.

Budget and other things to consider when buying an espresso machine for home use

When it comes to espresso equipment, price really matters. In addition, it can be difficult to choose a model given the large price range, from a few hundred to thousands of kroner. The price of extra equipment, such as grinders, tampers, jugs, knock boxes, spreading tools, etc., is something you should consider. These are necessary accessories to be able to enjoy espresso of high quality, so you should make sure your budget allows for them.


The time and effort you are willing to put into each drink should be taken into consideration when deciding which machine would work best for you. After brewing an espresso shot and frothing the milk, single boiler machines need some recovery time to get back up to brewing pressure. Therefore, consider dual boiler models if time is an issue.


Compared to coffee makers, espresso machines require significantly more maintenance and cleaning. To get the most out of your system, you need to perform some tasks such as descaling, backwashing and cleaning. But is not a big problem when you know how to do it and is really not difficult.

Espresso machines: Semi-automatic vs. automatic

Most often you will come across automatic and semi-automatic equipment. You still have to grind your coffee, press the puck with a tamper and manually fill the portafilter.

Semi-automatic espresso machines

The most common type of machine is a semi-automatic machine, which requires you to fill the portafilter in the group head, press a button to start espresso brewing and then pressing the same button again to stop it when you want it to be a certain weight or volume. Most home brewers will look for a semi-automatic machine. Then it is a flexible and simple.

Automatic equipment

With a programmable automatic machine, you can fill the portafilter, push a button to start brewing, and it will automatically stop brewing at the weight or volume amount you've entered. For most people's home needs, an automatic machine may be redundant as it doesn't really offer any benefits if you're just brewing coffee for yourself.

Capsule machines

A capsule machine eliminates the need for grinding, tamping and other steps. Similar to a Keurig, all you have to do to use a capsule machine is insert the capsule and press a button to dispense your beverage. A predetermined volume of pressurized water is then pumped through the capsule and into your cup. Although some of these machines come with refillable pods so you can use your own coffee, you give up a lot of control over the quality of the espresso when you use these machines.

Pros and cons of a built-in grinder

We recommend looking for built-in grinders with ceramic or stainless steel grinders and a variety of grinding and calibration options. People looking for an all-in-one solution often chooseSage Barista Touch, which is a very popular option.

Other than that, you'll probably be looking at highly automated equipment that can brew one espresso and also grinds the coffee at the same time. Similar to capsule machines, these espresso machines offer less control over coffee quality but still give you the benefit of freshly ground coffee.

The three best cheap espresso machines for the home

Flair Classic

A perfect manual espresso maker for those who want to be able to get a quality espresso shot every morning.

Shop one Flair Classic

Sage Barista Express

The most popular entry-level espresso machine for home use with a built-in grinder.

Shop one Sage Barista Express

Sage Barista Touch

The most popular entry-level home espresso machine with a built-in grinder but with extra convenience features with a more powerful boiler.

Shop one Sage Barista Touch

The 3 best espresso machines for the home

Ascaso Steel Dual PID Black

If appearance plays a big role in your purchase isAscaso Steel Dual PID something for you. They have all the functions you need and built with quality.

Shop one ascaso Steel Dual PID

Rocket R CInquantotto 

If you like classic Italian design, yes Rocket R CInquantotto with double boilers with PID temperature control with a touch panel something for you. It has all the features you need with extremely good build quality, handmade in Milan Italy. This espresso machine is truly a model that you will not regret!

Shop one Rocket R CInquantotto

rocket Apartment

Did I hear you needed a compact, stylish, capable espresso machine? Then is rocket Appartamento perfect for you. A machine with unique design details, and more compact than others is an espresso machine that will fit nicely in your kitchen!

Shop one rocket Apartment

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