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Flair 58 Espresso Maker - En detaljerad recension - Barista och Espresso

Flair 58 espresso Maker - A detailed review

We have reviewed Flair 58 espresso Maker, one of the most popular portable espresso machines on the market. This machine is a favorite among travelers, office workers and home coffee drinkers who want a simple and convenient solution to brew great espresso.

Features and specifications

Flair 58 has a robust and impact-resistant design with easy operation. It is equipped with a manual pump pressure control to ensure a smooth and powerful espresso. The machine also has a built-in water tank of 300 ml and a collection for refilling water.

Easy to use

That which does Flair 58 so easy to use is the simple process of brewing espresso. You just fill with water, add the bean and pump to brew a rich and flavorful brew espresso. It is also easy to clean, you just need to rinse it after each use.

Tasteful espresso

Flair 58 has proven its ability to deliver an excellent espresso with a rich taste and a beautiful crema. The bean you use will of course affect the taste, but with the right bean and the right technique, you can easily brew a great one espresso.


One of the biggest advantages of Flair 58 is its portability. You can take the machine with you wherever you go and brew espresso anytime. It makes it easy to enjoy a good cup of coffee, no matter where you are.


Flair 58 espresso Maker is an excellent choice for those who want a simple and convenient solution for brewing great espresso. The machine is robust, easy to use and portable, and it has proven its ability to deliver excellently espresso with a rich taste.

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