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Varför man bör välja att hyra över leasing på kaffeutrustning för caféer och restauranger - Barista och Espresso

Why you should choose to rent over leasing coffee equipment for cafes and restaurants


Do you run a café or a restaurant? Then you know how important the coffee equipment is to deliver high-quality coffee to your customers, from simple coffee makers to espresso machines. But when it comes to getting the right equipment, many companies are faced with the choice between renting or leasing. In this article, we go through why renting is a better option than leasing when it comes to coffee equipment for your business.

What is the difference between renting and leasing coffee equipment?

Definition of lease

Leasing means that you sign a long-term agreement where you pay a fixed monthly fee to use the equipment for a fixed period of time. Usually these agreements run over several years and when the leasing agreement has expired, there is a residual value on the equipment where you can choose to either buy out the equipment or return it.

Definition of rent

Renting works in a similar way, but the contract period is usually shorter and you have more flexibility to upgrade or change equipment when your needs change.

Advantages of renting coffee equipment


One of the biggest advantages of renting is the flexibility it provides. You can adjust your equipment according to seasonal needs or as your business grows. About your coffee machine needs to be upgraded to meet demand, it is easier to change when renting.

Easy to upgrade

Coffee equipment is developing rapidly with new technology. By renting, you can more easily keep up to date with the latest equipment without being tied to old technology for a longer period of time.

Disadvantages of leasing coffee equipment

Longer binding times

Leases are often longer, meaning you may be tied to equipment that may no longer suit your needs. About your business changes or About new technology is introduced, you may have to wait until the contract expires to change equipment.

Less flexibility

With leasing, you often have less flexibility to make changes during the term of the agreement. You pay a fixed monthly fee regardless About your business has changed.

Cost comparison: Rent vs. Leasing

Initial costs

Leasing often requires a larger initial investment or a longer contract. When you rent, the initial costs are usually lower, and you can often get started with less capital.

Monthly costs

Renting can sometimes be slightly more expensive per month, but given the flexibility you get and the lower initial costs, it can be more cost-effective in the long run.

How does maintenance affect costs?

Maintenance agreement when renting

When you rent coffee equipment, maintenance is often included in the agreement. This means you don't have to worry about unexpected costs About something breaks.

Maintenance costs when leasing

With leasing, maintenance can sometimes fall on you, depending on the agreement. This can lead to unexpected and potentially high costs About the equipment breaks down.

Tax benefits and accounting

Bookkeeping of rent

Rent is usually counted as a running cost, which makes it easier to budget for and account for in your business.

Accounting of leasing

Leasing can be counted as an asset in the accounting, which can affect your balance sheet and complicate the accounting.

Flexibility in contracts and upgrades

Short term contract

With rental, you can often choose shorter contracts, which gives you more freedom to change equipment as your cafe or restaurant grows.

The ability to change equipment

When you rent, you often have the opportunity to change equipment more easily About your needs change, something that is not as easy with a leasing agreement.

Service and support: What is best?

Service benefits with rent

Rent often includes service and support from the supplier, which means you can get help quickly About something goes wrong.

Service benefits with leasing

Leases can also include servicing, but this is often more dependent on the specific agreement and may involve additional costs for certain types of repairs.

Technological changes and the need for updating

Rapid development in coffee equipment

Technology in coffee equipment is evolving rapidly, and new innovations can improve the quality of your coffee or the efficiency of your business.

How rent facilitates technical updates

When you rent, it's easy to upgrade to the latest technology, helping you stay competitive and deliver high-quality coffee.

What happens after the end of the contract?

End of lease

When a lease comes to an end, you can easily extend, change or terminate without major costs.

End of leasing agreement

After a lease, you may have to pay a termination fee About you want to keep the equipment, which can be expensive.

Why SMEs should consider renting

Limited capital investment

Renting means lower initial costs, making it easier for SMEs to invest in high-quality equipment without large capital outlays.

Low risk

Because rental offers shorter contracts and greater flexibility, the risk of being tied to equipment that no longer suits your needs is reduced.

Summary: Why renting is better than leasing

In summary, renting coffee equipment offers greater flexibility, lower risk and easier upgrade options compared to leasing. For cafes and restaurants that want to stay competitive and adaptable, renting is a superior choice.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  1. What is the biggest advantage of renting coffee equipment?

    The biggest advantage is flexibility and the ability to easily upgrade or change equipment. In addition, a service agreement is usually included in the rental fee.

  2. Is renting more expensive than leasing?

    The monthly cost may be slightly higher, but in the long term, renting is usually more cost-effective due to the flexibility and lower initial costs.

  3. what's happening About equipment breaks when I rent?

    Service and maintenance are often included in the rental agreement, so you avoid unexpected costs.

  4. How does renting affect my accounting?

    Rent is considered an ongoing expense and does not affect your balance sheet as much as leasing.

  5. Is it easy to upgrade equipment when renting?

    Yes, renting makes it easy to switch to newer and more efficient equipment without being tied to long contracts.

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