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Hyreskontrakt vs Leasingkontrakt: Vad är bäst för ditt Café eller Restaurang? - Barista och Espresso

Rental contract vs. Leasing contract: What is best for your Café or Restaurant?

When running a cafe or restaurant, the choice of equipment, such as espresso machines, coffee grinders, coffee makers and other coffee machines, can be crucial to the success of the business. But how you finance that equipment is at least as important. Two of the most common financing models are rental contracts and leasing contracts. Both options can help you avoid large initial investments, but which is best for your business? In this article, we go through the differences between renting and leasing and give you an insight into which option might be right for your needs.

What is a lease?

A lease means that you rent the equipment for an agreed period. Throughout the rental period, you pay a fixed monthly fee, but you never own the equipment. When the contract period expires, you have the option to extend the contract, switch to newer equipment or terminate the contract completely.

Advantages of leases

Flexibility: You can easily change equipment when the contract expires, making it easy to stay up to date with the latest technology.

No ownership risk: You don't have to worry about the equipment's depreciation or possible repairs, as many leases include maintenance and service.

Less capital tied up: Since you don't own the equipment, you don't have to record it as an asset in the books, which can be beneficial to your balance sheet.

What is a leasing contract?

A leasing contract works like a long-term lease, but with an important difference: when the lease period is over, you can often choose to buy the equipment at a favorable residual value. This means that you can take ownership of the espresso machines or coffee grinders after the lease period About you so wish.

Advantages of leasing contracts:

  • Possibility to own: After the end of the lease period, you can buy the equipment, which can be advantageous About you are satisfied with it and want to continue using it for a longer period of time.
  • Tax advantages: The leasing fees are in many cases deductible, which can give an advantage in your tax return.
  • Lower initial cost: Just like renting, leasing requires a low initial capital, which makes it easier to get access to more expensive equipment without large one-off costs.

Renting vs. Leasing – Which is best for your business?

Choosing between rental and leasing depends largely on your business needs and financial goals. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Do you want flexibility or ownership?

About you want to be able to update your equipment regularly without worrying about its resale value, renting may be the best option. On the other hand, About you want to own the equipment for the long term and save money in the long run, leasing may be the smarter choice.

2. What does your budget look like?

Both renting and leasing involve monthly payments, but leasing agreements usually give you an option to buy the equipment at the end of the agreement. About you have a long-term budget and see value in owning the equipment, leasing may be more financially beneficial in the long run.

3. Which tax benefits are important to you?

Depending on your business's tax situation, there may be advantages to choosing leasing as leasing fees are often tax deductible.

4. What kind of equipment do you need?

About you need advanced equipment, such as a commercial espresso machine or an automatic coffee machine, and want the latest technology, renting may be more attractive. Leasing may be better for more sustainable investments where you see the value of owning the equipment over time.


Both renting and leasing are attractive financing solutions for cafe and restaurant owners, but the choice depends on your specific needs. Leasing offers flexibility and reduced risk, while leasing offers the option of ownership and can be more financially beneficial in the long run. It is important to carefully consider how long you plan to use the equipment and what budget and tax benefits best suit your business.

About you are not sure which option suits you, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you find the perfect solution for your business!

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