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Espresso Teknik 101: Grundläggande Tester - Barista och Espresso

Espresso Technology 101: Basic Testing

Tools You Need

To ensure that your espresso machine is functioning normally, follow these steps to test its basic functions. You will need the following tools:

  • Stopwatch
  • Measuring cup (355 ml) or espresso scale with cup
  • Backflush blind and portafilter

Before you start, make sure your machine is up to date with maintenance and cleaning of the group head. About if your machine has programmable pre-infusion, turn it off or set it to 0 before you begin the tests. Remove any filters, screens, water softeners, or softening bags from the machine's water reservoir.

Test 1: Flow Rate

  1. Remove the portafilter from the machine.
  2. Place a measuring cup under the group head or place the cup on the scale, tare the scale, and then place the cup under the group head.
  3. Lift the brew lever or press the appropriate button and start the stopwatch when the water begins to flow. Stop the "shot" when the stopwatch shows 30 seconds.
  4. Record the results and compare with the following reference values:
    • Standard E61 group head: 235-355 g in 30 seconds.
    • Machines with flow control: 175-235 g in 30 seconds.
    • Saturated group heads: 235-355 g in 30 seconds.

Test 2: Group Head Pressure

  1. Install the backflush blind in the portafilter and lock it in the group head.
  2. Lift the brew lever or press the appropriate button to start the brewing function. About if your machine does not have a shot timer, start the stopwatch at the same time.
  3. Watch the brew pressure gauge and note how long it takes for the needle to reach the set pressure.
  4. Record the results. The needle should reach the machine's set pressure (9-10 Bar) within 10 seconds. About if your machine has flow control, ensure that the paddle is fully open and compare the group head pressure gauge with the pump pressure gauge. Their behavior should correlate.

Test 3: Steam Function

  1. Let the steam boiler heat up and reach full pressure. The needle on the steam pressure gauge should show between 1.25-1.75 Bar depending on your settings.
  2. Open the steam wand into a cup and observe the steam pressure gauge. It should drop immediately and evenly by about 0.50-0.75 Bar.
  3. Let the steam wand run for 30 seconds. The needle should stay around 0.5-1.0 Bar the entire time. Small deviations are nothing to worry about.
  4. Turn off the steam wand and watch the steam boiler as it heats up again. The steam pressure gauge should return to its normal resting pressure.
  5. Repeat the test a few times. The machine should operate quite consistently each time.

Test 4: Temperature Recovery for the Boiler

  1. Let the boiler heat up and reach full pressure. The needle on the steam pressure gauge should show between 1.25-1.75 Bar depending on your settings.
  2. Open the hot water tap or press the button to dispense hot water from the machine into a cup.
  3. Dispense 235-355 ml of hot water and observe the steam pressure gauge. The pump should start immediately after to fill the boiler.
  4. Keep an eye on the PID temperature and/or the steam pressure gauge. Temperature and pressure should both steadily rise back to their set points.
  5. Repeat the test a few times. The machine should operate quite consistently each time.

Contact Us

If any of these tests show results outside the specified ranges, do not hesitate to contact our technical team for further assistance. Ensuring that your espresso machine operates correctly is crucial for enjoying perfectly brewed espresso every time. Regular maintenance and proper use of the machine extend its lifespan and enhance the coffee experience.

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