In the design of Rocket Espresso R 9, engineer Ennio Berti prioritized optimal temperature stability by selecting a fully saturated group and implementing PID control in the stainless steel multi-boiler system.
Pressure transducer technology was used to dramatically reduce steam pressure recovery times, which is increasingly important in high-volume cafés.
R 9 retains the distinctive contemporary aesthetic that sets Rocket Espresso machines apart, with a lowered machine height that allows for improved interaction between the barista and the customer.
The digital display enhances precision by enabling adjustments of the boiler temperature in increments of About 0.1 degrees Celsius and offers individual shot timers for each group.
Rocket espresso R9 Automatic commercial espresso machine gives you as barista the ability to have control over each individual brew group. Each brew group has its own 1.9-liter steam boiler with PID temperature control, shot timer, and a control panel for automatic brewing. With the individually controllable brew heads, Rocket R9 has a massive steam boiler with a built-in pressure sensor that reduces recovery time during peak hours. The espresso machine has an extremely precise finish and is handcrafted in Milan, Italy, featuring mirror-finish panels on the outside.
Main Features:
Fully saturated group
Adjustable boiler temperature
Shot timer
Features and Performance
Individual boilers: Individual boilers for each brew head as well as fast recovery time for the steam boiler that provides consistent brewing cup after cup.
Control system: The espresso machine features PID temperature control which allows you to control the brewing temperature to the exact degree. Together with an automatic function with a shot timer, it will facilitate the barista's work.
No burn steam wand: Typically, the steam wand on an espresso machine becomes extremely hot, and thus baristas can accidentally burn themselves on it. With Rocket R9, you have a steam wand that cannot get hot on the outside, making it a safer espresso machine. There is also a steam wand on either side of the espresso machine with simple knobs to activate the steam.
Ergonomics: The espresso machine has high feet with control buttons placed low, providing an ergonomic working method for a barista.
Being able to brew consistently is not just about a good coffee drink but is also a reassurance for you to be sure that the customer receives the same quality of coffee regardless of how many you have brewed or what time of day you serve the coffee. The Rockets R9 provides very stable and consistent brewing with its individual boilers equipped with built-in pressure sensors. With individually controllable temperatures and brewing times for each brew head, you have the option to set the machine according to different espresso blends and roasts simultaneously. Rocket Espresso R9 Automatic is suitable for a café with medium to high brewing quantities of coffee drinks.
Side panels and control handles make a big difference in making the machine fit in a home environment. I would prefer more polished wood on the portafilter handles as they are rough to touch.
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