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Flair 58 plus

Regular price €809,95

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Flair 58 Plus

is the flagship from Flair Espresso.

Including everything from the base model Flair 58, Flair 58+ shines with walnut details on portafilter, t-grip, and hand press. The accompanying adjustable shot mirror attaches magnetically to the pole and Flair 58+ features custom markings that you won't find anywhere else.

The roasting system on Flair 58+ includes three different levels: low, medium, and high, which roughly correspond to brew temperatures needed for dark, medium, and light roasting. Activate your roasting setting and feel confident that your thermal handling is taken care of About. And About if you feel the travel urge, 58+ has an easily removable roasting control, meaning you can go off-grid and brew espresso anywhere.

Flair 58+ also has screws in dark motifs and includes both Flair's portafilter baskets, high and low flow, to ensure that the home barista has all the control they need.

Finally, with the selected valve lever, the workflow on Flair 58 Plus is unbeatable, ensuring that About whether you brew for yourself or your friends and family, a shot or several, Flair 58 Plus will delight with the simplicity of creating delicious espresso.

Lower the lever, raise your expectations for home espresso, with Flair 58+.

Flair 58

is a machine that makes espresso and it has electric heating to maintain the warmth. Flair 58X is another machine that also makes espresso, but it has no electric heating. Flair 58 has a large 58mm portafilter which allows you to get the best espresso. Flair 58 has a handle that can be used to control the machine and get the best espresso. Flair 58 also has a robust steel frame with wooden details and can unlock your espresso brewing potential!


What is included with Flair 58 + ?

  • Base with fastening screws
  • Pole & Lever with brewing unit attached
  • Removable roasting control
  • Adjustable shot mirror
  • Walnut portafilter at 58 mm
  • Walnut palm press
  • Pressure gauge
  • Drip tray
  • Grounds sieve
  • Valve lever with lock loop
  • Baskets with high and low flow
  • Power supply with plug
  • Brewing guide

What is included with Flair 58?

  • Puck screen
  • Pressure gauge
  • 58 mm Portafilter with 16-22 g filter basket
  • Control box for heating element + wall outlet
  • 58mm Tamper
  • Roasting lid
  • Drip tray
  • Funnel for brewing head
  • Quick start guide

More information

Fully manual, professional, "lever press" espresso machine

Create café quality espresso at home with precision through its fully manual process. With an integrated pressure gauge, you can create different types of espresso recipes with full control over the brewing pressure throughout the brewing process. Since the lever provides direct feedback on what happens in the puck, you can adjust the brewing in real-time.

Increased user-friendliness

Flair 58 has a wide base for stability for brewing and has an extended lever to be able to brew under high brewing pressure. The lever has an ergonomic T-handle for comfort and control. 

Valve plunger

All Flair 58 come with a so-called "Valve plunger" which in practice means that you can fill the container directly after your last brewing with the lever in its lower position. Thanks to the valve plunger, you can quickly and efficiently load About for the next brewing. 

Premium and elegant

Flair 58 is built with only steel components and no plastic parts. The frame is made of black anodized cast aluminum with a 5-year warranty on the metal components. Finally, flair 58 has wood details to provide a premium feel. 


Don't forget to add accessories!


Watch the video below to see how to brew one espresso with a Flair 58.

Smooth and simple process

A well-designed brew head with electronic pre-heating, made of solid stainless steel, easy to clean, and to fit all commercial 58mm portafilter which is every coffee enthusiast's dream. The brew head also has an upgraded valve plunger kit included which gives the possibility to fill the brew head without removing the pressure gauge which in turn contributes to a smoother brewing process.

Full control

Flair 58 is fun manual espresso maker where you have full control over all the variables involved in espresso brewing.

Cafe quality

With Flair 58 with an industry standard 58 mm portafilter you will be able to get fantastic cafe quality espresso home.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Eduard V. (Barcelona, ES)

Flair 58 plus

Giovanni R. (Treviso, IT)
Really nice customer service!

I got the flair 58+ but unfortunately it arrived with the brewhead not working. I contacted the customer support and in no time they helped and provided me with a new brewhead. It was very nice and they updated me all the way.
I cannot recommend enough this website, glad I bought from here!

Angelika H. (Neuhofen im Innkreis, AT)
Tolles Gerät die Flair 58+ für Super Espresso per Hand

Habe zum 1. Mal bei Barista bestellt, darum habe ich Sicherheitshalber Tranportversicherrung abgeschlossen.
Denke das war nicht unbedingt nötig da von Fa. Barista lücklose Traking Paket nachverfolgung gemacht wurde, hat gut funktioniert.

Weiters habe ich Reserve Dichungssatz bestellt sehr Sinnvoll. 2. Siebträgertrichter mit Magnete hat sich auch gut bewährt.

Es wurde auch Ein offener Siebträger in Edelstahl mit Sieb für 1 Portion und für 2 Portionen geliefert.

VORTEILE dieser Flair 58+
1.) Siebträger ist Profiklasse E61 58mm das ist riesiger Vorteil gegenüber anderen Geräten die zum Teil viel teurer sind, Weil profis alles Zubehör wie Tamper
Siebe usw. verwenden kann.
2.) Heizung ist das beste Argument für guten Espresso, keine Handpressespresso kann konstante Temperatur 3 Temp.grade Wählbar halten.
Trotzdem sollte man bei 1 leer Shot Siebträger mit Sieb ohne Kaffeepulver mit Heissem Wasser beaufschlagen. Tipp 1
3.) Einfacher zusammenbau. Alles Edelstahl kein Plastik kommt mit Kaffee in Kontakt. Untere Standteil aus Alu lackiert.
4.) Druckmesser ist ebenfall sehr wichtig und entscheidend.
5.) Puck ist nur bei Offenem Sieb wichtig bei Geschlossenem Siebträger keinen Unterschied bemerkt.
6.) Mahlung muss sehr fein sein sonst zu schnelle Extraktion und keine Crema.
7.) Für Camper Vorteil man braucht eigentlich nur Edelstahl Heisswasserkanne mit Temperaturanzeige und Gaskocher oder Elektro Herd das hat eigentlich jeder Camper sowieso für Filterkaffee zum Frühstück .
8.) Tipp 2 Für Strom Heizung genügt ein Batteriepack 230V Stecker ausgang. Mit 50 bis 150W müsste man locker auskommen.
9.) Tipp 3 Man sollte Sich auch gelaserte Edelstahlsiebe ohne Beschichtung besorgen, besseres Ergebnis Crema wobei grösseres Sieb 2 Portionen immer das Bessere Ergebnis bringt. 18 – 21g Bohnen.
10.) Tipp 3 geschlossene Siebträger Edelstahl kaufen mit 1 oder 2 Ausläufen riesiger Vorteil gegenüber Offenen Sieb.
11.) Tipp 4 Gute Mühle kaufen !! Nur die Bohnen frisch Mahlen die sofort für Espresso verwendet werden, auf keinen Fall Gemahlenes Kaffeemehl herumstehen lassen.
12.) Tipp 5 Mühle reinigen damit keine Reste für nächste Espresso verbleibt.
13.) Tipp 6 Sofort wenn Kaffee Getampert sollte gleich begonnen werden, am Anfang 30 sec Hebel langsam öffnen damit Heisse wasser mit Kaffee in Kontakt kommt. Nach 40 sec Mit 3 Bar beginnen wenn ersten Tropfen kommen auf 6 -9 bar erhöhen damit schöne Crema kommt.

Abschliessend : Firma Barista ist eine Gute Seriöse Firma würde wieder dort kaufen.
Flair 58+ ist eine Tolles einfaches Gerät für Profis bzw. Liebhaber die gerne alles selbst kontrollieren wollen.

Mario G. (Stockholm, SE)

Snabb service

Volodymyr B. (Barcelona, ES)
Flair 58

Hello Udo and all your company. I was very pleased to purchase this wonderful lever from you. Have the Success!!!

Glad to hear you are satisfied! on behalf of the whole team: Udo

Angelica H. (Stockholm, SE)

Boyfriend really excited about his birthday gift, 5 stars and great site.

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